Firefighter Interviews

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Firefighter Interviews

Behavioural Questions



1. Tell us a time when you were disappointed in your career and what did you do about it?

2. Provide us with an example where something wasn’t black and white and you had to make a decision?

3. Tell us a time when you were working on a team that didn’t get along. What did you do to try to resolve it? What was the outcome?

4. Tell us a time when something went against your morals? What did you do? What do you wish you would have done?

5. Tell us about a time you promoted diversity in the workplace?

6. Tell us about a time you showed initiative?

7. Tell us a time you followed what your supervisor requested, even though your team members doubted/disagreed with what was being said?

8. Tell us a time you had to go against the team and what was the outcome?

9. Tell us about a time you had an unusual request that you did not agree with?

10. Tell us about a time you had to work as part of a team and what specifically did you do?

11. Tell us about a time you promoted someone else’s idea in the workplace?

12. Tell us a time you had to work with or deal with someone of different diversity?

13. Tell us about a time you had to quickly adapt to a situation?

14. Please define compassion and integrity, tell us a time when you demonstrated these and why are these so important in the fire service?

15. Tell us about the most physically stressful situation you have been in?

16. Tell us a time you were part of a team and what did you do to contribute?

17. Tell us about the most mentally stressful situation you have been in?

18. Name a time you were held accountable for a mistake you made?

19. Tell us a time you had to work with a co-worker you didn’t get along with and how did you deal with it?

20. Tell us about a time you went above and beyond for a customer?

21. Tell us a time when you were part of a successful team? What teams have you been part of?

22. Tell us a time when you had to explain something in a stressful situation?

23. Tell us a time when you had to explain something complex to someone else?

24. Tell us a time when you solved a problem?

25. Tell us a time when you mediated a conflict that you yourself weren’t involved in?

26. Tell us about a time when you encountered a dangerous situation at work and what did you do to fix it?

27. Our city is a diverse community, name a time you adapted yourself to another culture?

28. Tell us a time when you promoted diversity?

29. Tell us about a time when you had to work with others to achieve a goal. What was your role and how did the team and you achieve this goal?

30. Our city’s core values: Authenticity, Courage, Trust, Honesty, and Integrity. Tell us a time you demonstrated these and why are these important in the fire service?

31. Give an example of a time you were in a mentally stressful situation?

32. Tell us a time you had to deal with an irate customer and how did it work out?

33. Sometimes it’s important to share sensitive information, tell us about a time you had to share sensitive information with a colleague?

34. Tell us a time when you encountered a problem and how did you solve it?

35. Tell us a time when you broke the rules and/or broke an SOG. What was the result and why did you break this specific rule and were there any consequences?

36. Tell us a time when you went above and beyond for a customer?

37. Tell us a time where you had to use communication in a difficult situation?

38. Tell us about a time when you had to work with someone who was not as cooperative as you needed them to be. What steps did you take to ensure a positive working relationship?

39. Provide an example of a situation where you had to make a quick decision under stressful circumstances?

40. Give a specific example of a time that you disagreed with a supervisor and what did you do?

41. When was a time you made a mistake, and how did it affect another person? Were there any consequences?

42. Tell us a time you had a conflict with a co-worker and how did you deal with it?

43. Describe leveraging diversity and tell us a time you worked in a diverse workplace?

44. Tell us a situation where you took initiative to identify an opportunity for change and what did you do?

45. Tell us a time you came close to breaking the rules?

46. Tell us a time you experienced harassment?

47. Tell us a time you faced obstacles while completing a project?

48. Tell us about the most stressful day you’ve had at work and what you did to manage your stress?

49. Tell us a time you were in a stressful situation?

50. Tell us a time you demonstrated dedication and work ethic and how would you continue this in the fire service?

51. Tell us a time when you had to participate in building an effective team and what made it successful?

52. Tell us a time when you had a difference in opinion with a co-worker and how did you address the situation?

53. Tell us a time when you were able to influence and persuade someone to follow you?

54. Tell us a time when you were confronted with a difficult situation and how did you use your critical thinking skills to resolve the issue?

55. Tell us a time when you had to deal with a stressful situation and how did you cope with it?

56. Tell us about a conflict you and a coworker had, what happened and how was it resolved? Is there anything looking back you would do differently?

57. Tell us about a time you were asked to make a decision that compromised your values and beliefs?

58. Tell us about a time you did something not how you were instructed, and why did you choose that way?

59. Tell us a time where you witnessed someone being unsafe and what did you do?

60. Tell us in your own words what integrity is. Tell us a time you demonstrated integrity. Explain integrity?

61. Tell us about a time when you dealt with stress poorly.

62. Tell us a time when you made a mistake that affected others. What did you do?

63. Tell us a time when a co-worker or employee made a mistake. What did you do?

64. Tell us a time where you had a communication barrier and had to clarify what needed to be done?

65. Tell us a time when your coworker’s work ethic was not sufficient and how did you deal with it?

66. Tell us about a time you were faced with a disappointment or a disappointing situation. How did you handle it? And what was the outcome/what did you learn from it?

67. You see people on their worst days as a firefighter. Tell us a time when you went above and beyond for someone?

68. Tell us a time you had difficulty with a co-worker and what did you do to resolve it?

69. As a firefighter, you will work with others in close quarters. Teamwork is an important part of it. Tell us a time when you were a part of a team that wasn’t working well and what did you do?

70. Tell us a time when you had a breakdown in communication and what did you do?

71. Tell us a time when something went wrong in a stressful situation, what was the outcome and how did you handle it?

72. Tell us a time you were in a stressful situation and what was the outcome?

73. Tell us of a time you were in a team environment and that team had a breakdown or wasn’t working well?

74. Tell us a time you were in an emergency situation, what did you do and what was the outcome?

75. Tell us about a conflict you and a coworker had, what happened and how was it resolved? Is there anything looking back you would do differently?

76. Tell us about a time you were asked to make a decision that compromised your values and beliefs?

77. Tell us a time when you have shown commitment to your current profession?

78. Tell us about a mistake you made, the implications it had on others, and how did you deal with the consequences?

79. Tell us about a time you took the initiative and increased your workload?

80. Tell us about a time when you had a disagreement with a superior. How did you handle it and what was the outcome?

81. Tell us a time when you noticed something that no one else noticed that you acted upon and made a difference?

82. What leadership style do you mostly use? When have you used that leadership style and did you get the results you hoped for?

83. Tell us a time when your actions affected people around you and what did you do?

84. Tell us a time where you showed leadership and problem-solving in a unique situation and what did you do?

85. Tell us a time when a teammate wasn’t pulling their weight and what did you do?

86. Tell us a time when you saw an opportunity to make a change in your team for the better and what was the outcome?

87. Name a time you implemented something to help make something efficient and was it received?

88. Tell us about a time you experienced conflict with the public?

89. Tell us a time when you were given a job that no one else wanted, how did you handle the job and what was the outcome?

90. Tell us a time where you disagreed with an order you were given by a supervisor and carried out the task anyways?

91. Name a time that someone did something that went against your values?

92. Name a time you did something on the fire ground that didn’t work out and what was the outcome?

93. Tell us about a time someone provided you with critical feedback and what did you do?

94. How do you promote diversity?

95. What does communication mean to you and tell us a time when it was critical to a team you worked on?

96. Tell us a time when you had a stressful experience and how did you handle it?

97. Tell us about a time you experienced criticism and how did you respond?

98. Mental health is prioritized now more than ever, what are some techniques that you use to maintain your mental health while on the job?

99. Tell us about a time when you had a disagreement with a coworker and how it was handled?

100. Tell us a time you were given orders by a supervisor under a stressful situation and how did you deal with it?

101. Tell us a time you came to an agreement on something with a team and what was the outcome?

102. Tell us a time you were faced with diversity in the workplace and how did you deal with it?

103. Tell us a time you were involved with harassment in the workplace and what was the outcome? What would you have done differently?

104. Tell us about a time you had a conflict in the workplace (Coworker, management, etc.), what was the outcome? What was done to resolve this conflict?

105. Tell us about the most difficult decision you have ever had to make, and what were the factors you considered when making this decision?

106. When was a time you made a mistake, and how did it affect another person? Were there any consequences for this?

107. Tell us a time when you disobeyed a direct order?

108. Please define in your own words what initiative and discipline are and tell us a time you demonstrated each one?

109. How have you dealt with diversity and culture in a non-firefighter experience?

110. Tell us a time you made an error in judgment?

111. Tell us in your own words what integrity is and tell us a time you demonstrated integrity?

112. Tell us about the hardest shift you’ve worked?

113. Tell us a time when you came close to breaking the rules?

114. Tell us a time when you faced obstacles while completing a project?

115. What is respect and how have you displayed it in the workplace?

116. Tell us about an emergency situation you have been in and how you helped someone?

117. Tell us a time you were part of a team, and you had a disagreement and how did you resolve it?

118. Tell us a time you had to adapt to change?

119. Tell us a time a co-worker was not pulling their weight.

120. Tell us a time when you worked with others to achieve a task?

121. Tell us a time when you were a part of a team?

122. Tell us a time when you did something that negatively affected you and the people around you?

123. Tell us a time you had a dispute with a coworker?

124. Give us your best example of working as a cooperative team member, what was the goal? And was it achieved?

125. Tell us a time you had to immediately react to a stressful situation without prior ability to contemplate your actions. What went through your mind? If you were given time to review your actions, would you do anything differently?

126. Tell us a time you had to react quickly in a situation?

127. Tell us a time when you had to talk with someone and couldn’t understand what they were saying? How do you think they felt? How did you feel?

128. Tell us a time when you were put into a situation where you felt uncomfortable? What did you do?

129. Tell us a time when you had to convince someone to do something they did not want to do? Why did you choose that action?

130. Tell us a time when you were put into a situation where you had to think quickly on your feet. What did you do and how did you come to that conclusion?

131. Tell us a time when you made a mistake?

132. As a firefighter, you may be presented with a difficult situation, what has been the most stressful situation at work and how did you deal with it? What steps would you take to get help?

133. Give us a time that you improved something at work?

134. Tell us a time you were in a stressful situation and how did you handle it during and after?

135. You work with firefighters in close quarters and teamwork is an important part of it. Tell us a time where you were a part of a team that wasn’t working well and what did you do?

136. You see people on their worst days as a firefighter. Tell us a time when you went above and beyond for someone?

137. Tell us a time you provided excellent customer service and went above and beyond your experience and skills?

138. Tell us a time where you had to use communication in a difficult situation?

139. Tell us a time when you had a stressful situation? What was your role and what was the outcome?

140. Tell us a time you went above and beyond at work?

141. Tell us about a time you were faced with a disappointment or a disappointing situation. How did you handle it? And what was the outcome/what did you learn from it?

142. Tell us a time you provided excellent customer service?

Firefighter Interviews

Situational Questions



1. You are at a work-related event and a coworker makes an inappropriate comment. What is your response?

2. You notice one of your coworkers saying racially insensitive things to a customer. How do you approach and what do you do?

3. You are the 2nd truck in at a fire and were involved in suppression and overhaul. You notice pain in your wrist that continues. When you get back to the station, what is the first thing you do?

4. You are working for our fire department at station 3. Your station is trained to the awareness level in water rescue. This means you have the training to yell instructions from the shoreline and/or throw a life ring with rope. Your station receives a call for an MVC. When you arrive, you notice one of the vehicles has left the roadway and is upside down in a retention pond that is approximately 20 feet deep. Your captain orders you and your crew to go into the water and make a rescue. What would you do and why?

5. What would you do if you noticed a firefighter showing signs of stress?

6. During recruit training, you will be asked to work as a team. If drama becomes prevalent in your group, how will you handle this and what will you do to help achieve your group’s goal?

7. You notice one of your coworkers saying insensitive things to another coworker. They do not want to escalate, but how do you react?

8. What would you do if you witnessed a firefighter taking a picture on a fire scene and posting it on social media?

9. Captain gives you an order, then another captain gives you a different order. What would you do?

10. How would you deal with an angry citizen?

11. What would you do if an angry citizen approaches you about a complaint with the fire department?

12. You show up at a park for a 10-year-old who is in anaphylactic shock from a bee sting and has an EpiPen but hasn’t been able to administer it. As you get to the patient, your senior firefighter with you looks at you and says, “You got this, right?” and answers his cell and walks away. After the patient leaves with EMS, the senior firefighter rejoins and asks how it went. The captain seems to not be worried. What are your thoughts/reaction to this?

13. What would you do if you noticed a firefighter wearing a department t-shirt at a bar?

14. A coworker tells you he is booking off sick because he couldn’t get the time off and he is going to the cottage. What do you do?

15. Someone is constantly on your back day in and day out; nothing you seem to do is right in their eyes. What would you do and why?

16. During a conversation with a team member, they tell you that they don’t want anyone on this team who belongs to the LGBTQ or a minority group. How will you handle this situation?

17. During your probationary period, you are part of a crew that responds to a fire, and your apparatus is first arriving. Your crew is not wearing their PPE as you’ve been trained, and the captain says make sure your PPE is done up. The senior firefighter tells you the captain is overly cautious and you don’t need to wear your chin strap or ear flaps. How will you handle this situation?

18. As a probationary firefighter, you are working with a crew member that is constantly negative. What would you do and why?

19. What is diversity, and why is diversity important to the fire service? What would you do if you overheard a fellow firefighter making derogatory comments of a racial nature?

20. How would you handle physical and mental stressors as a firefighter?

21. Your captain routinely assigns you undesirable tasks at the emergency scene and at the fire hall. What do you do?

22. You are in public and notice a fellow firefighter taking a video and uploading it on the internet. You also notice they are not acting unprofessionally. What would you do and why?

23. Would you ever disobey an order? Would you ever disobey an order as a firefighter?

24. You respond to an MVC accident: a two-car collision with 4 people. Two people in each vehicle. One car is on its side and there is a power line on top of it. Fluid is leaking out of the car. What would you do and why?

25. Describe what you would do if you came back from a call and an irate member of the public was there and you were the only one available to speak with them.

26. You are shown a picture of a firefighter doing the dab in front of a house that’s on fire. What do you think about it?

27. You show up for a shift as the pump driver and find out that the rear emergency lights aren’t working. Your regular captain is not in, and there is an acting captain who says, “Don’t worry about it, we probably won’t get a call. Let the next shift worry about it.” What do you do?

28. You are at a party off duty with another firefighter who has clearly had a few drinks. You leave the party at 10, but the other firefighter stays longer. The following morning, a firefighter calls in sick, and the firefighter from the party last night is called in to replace him. He confides to you at the beginning of your shift at 8 that morning that he was at the party until 3 in the morning and is “going to need a lot of coffee to get through this shift.” What do you do and why?

29. You arrive at a house fire in a dense subdivision where the houses are separated by only the width of a driveway. The structure is fully involved, with flames coming out of the upper-story windows. It is raining, and the adjacent houses are not on fire. The people from the houses are all outside watching. One of the civilians motions to you and tells you frantically that her dog is inside one of the neighboring houses. Another man angrily asks why he can’t return to his house, as it is not on fire. What do you do and why?

30. You overhear some firefighters making jokes about an openly gay firefighter who also works at the station. What do you do and why?

31. One of the recruits in your recruit class is struggling and is behind the other recruits in terms of skills. He confides to you that he is thinking of quitting. What do you do and why?

32. Your captain tells you that you haven’t been performing up to his/her standards, and even though you believe you have been performing all tasks correctly, he/she is unsatisfied with your performance. What do you do and why?

33. Chief gives an order that you don’t agree with. What do you do on the fire ground? Non-emergency?

34. You notice a colleague who smells like alcohol. What do you do?

35. What would you do if you saw someone trapped inside a burning building after your shift?

36. Someone on your crew reveals to you that they are gay. What would you do if you overheard your captain making jokes about someone who is gay? Would you inform their superior about the incident?

37. Firefighters in another station are posting pictures and making comments about other firefighters in the department that you know and are making fun of them about a call. You have come across this randomly on social media. What do you do?

38. Tell us the importance of mental health and how you would deal with it.

39. Your captain goes against a standard operation guideline. What do you do?

40. You’re in the kitchen and other firefighter(s) are making sexist and racist jokes. What do you do?

41. How would you keep busy during downtime?

Firefighter Interviews

Traditional Questions



1. What do you think about sick time and how do you keep yourself healthy/avoid using sick time?

2. What are some problems you think you would face working in a firehall?

3. What is Edmonton’s Mission, Vision, and core values?

4. What type of calls do you expect to go on being a firefighter with our city?

5. Tell us some of the strengths and benefits of diversity in our community and fire service.

6. What are our values and mission statement? What value is the most important to you?

7. What would you do if your captain ordered you to do something that you felt was unsafe?

8. How would you deal with or cope with a difficult call?

9. What would you do as a new firefighter to fit in with your team?

10. Who is your hero?

11. Tell us about a typical day at your current job?

12. Tell us what you believe is a typical day of a firefighter?

13. How has your firefighter experience (volunteer) prepared you for a career as a firefighter?

14. What are the qualities of a good firefighter?

15. Tell us 2 words that describe you?

16. What is your best quality/trait? When would it be hard to demonstrate this trait?

17. What would your first day on the job entail? What would be some problems you would face being a new member?

18. What events inspired you to become a firefighter?

19. What challenges do you think firefighters face in our city?

20. How would you deal with the physical and mental stressors this job poses?

21. Please define compassion and integrity, tell us a time when you demonstrated these and why are these so important in the fire service?

22. Can you tell us about your relationship with your current supervisor?

23. Provide an overview of your education, experience, and training and how it relates to firefighting?

24. What do you know about our city and why do you want to work here?

25. Tell us a time when you encountered difficulty in communication and how did you deal with it?

26. How would you stay motivated as a firefighter?

27. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

28. How would you handle shift work?

29. When did you decide you wanted to become a firefighter?

30. What are some important traits of a team?

31. Please describe your mechanical ability to the interview panel?

32. Describe your education and work experience as it relates to this position?

33. Why do you want to be a firefighter, and what have you done to prepare?

34. How would you handle physical and mental stressors as a firefighter?

35. What would your employer say is your strength and your weakness?

36. What do you think firefighters should be doing in their downtime in the station between calls?

37. What are 2 personal challenges to working as a firefighter?

38. Tell us about Oshawa and why you want to be a firefighter?

39. How do you deal with stress?

40. How many sick days did you use last year?

41. Do you have anything in the past that we should know about?

42. How do you deal with stress and what does it mean to you?

43. What are your strengths and how would that make you a good firefighter?

44. Describe why this position is attractive to you and why you are the best candidate.

45. What would you re-do in the recruitment process?

46. Give us your typical day at your current job.

47. What is your education and what have you completed?

48. In your current volunteer department, how often do you train and what does your typical schedule look like?

49. Why do you specifically want to work at our fire department?

50. What is a characteristic you lack that someone else has?

51. Tell us why mental health is so important in the fire service?

52. What are you lacking that other candidates might have? How do you compete with them?

53. Are you willing to work 24-hour shifts?

54. How would you cope with 24-hour shifts and how would you prepare for these?

55. What attributes and skills do you possess that would make you a good firefighter? Why should we hire you over someone else?

56. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

57. Have you ever been fired?

58. Tell us what skill you could most significantly bring to the fire service if you were to become a firefighter.

59. Are you willing to work dispatch?

60. Do you think resiliency can be achieved in the fire service?

61. How will you stay motivated working 7 days a month?

62. What do you do to stay physically fit?

63. How many and what types of calls have you attended?

64. What type of firefighting experience do you have?

65. What are the daily duties of a firefighter?

66. What are your views on sick leave?

67. What is the value of having a fire department that values diversity?

68. Name 3 values that are important to you and give examples of how you have demonstrated each of those values.

69. Tell us about yourself and how your work experience, education, and volunteer experience can relate to a career in the fire service.

70. Tell us why you want to be an OPG Emergency Response Maintainer?

71. If you are hired by us, will you continue looking for other employment opportunities?

72. What skills and experience do you bring to this position?

73. How do you deal with multiple tasks at once?

74. What do you want us to remember you by?

75. Why are firefighters respected in the community and what does respect mean to you?

76. How do you feel about burnout in the fire service and what is your opinion on it?

77. Tell us about how you will continue to be proactive in managing stress and what methods you currently use that will aid in the management of stress as a firefighter?

78. What supports do you have in place for mental health?

79. Initiative and discipline: how are they related to the fire department?

80. Tell us the importance of training, suppression, prevention, and communications.

81. What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

82. Define flashover?

83. Why is it important for firefighters to be involved in community service? And what community service have you done?

84. Explain your background and experience with culture, diversity, and ethnicity?

85. What have you done since your first interview?

86. What did you have for breakfast?

87. In a crisis situation, what is the most effective form of communication?

88. Spider-Man or Batman? Why? Which one would make a better firefighter?

89. What did you do to prepare yourself for this position as a firefighter?

90. What do you know about our Fire and Rescue Service?

91. What motivates you? What de-motivates you?

92. What are the characteristics of a successful firefighter?

93. What makes you a good team member?

94. How do you manage stress?

95. What attributes and skills do you possess that would make you a good firefighter? Why should we hire you over someone else?

96. Do you think you can manage 24-hour rotating shifts?

97. What have you done in your current job that would be an asset as a firefighter?

98. Waterloo Fire Service is focused around several core values of gratitude, kindness, and compassion. What will you do or how will you maintain a positive attitude while upholding these core values of Gratitude, Kindness, and Compassion?

99. In addition, how will you be proactive in regards to stress and describe how you would be involved with mental health care in regards to your own within Waterloo Fire?

100. Why do you want to work for our city?

101. Why is inclusivity, equality, and diversity important in the workplace?

102. What are 3 challenges with the fire service?

103. What are Belleville Fire’s biggest challenges?

104. Firefighting is a stressful career due to the nature of the job. Explain how you have the mental resilience to deal with the job. What methods can a person use to deal with stress?

105. What skills and experience do you have that will make inclusivity and equality important in the workplace?

106. Why do you want to be a firefighter?

107. Name 2 qualities you have and portray in life?

108. How many sick days do you take a year?

109. Tell us about your skills, education, training, and knowledge and why you would be a good candidate for the position?

110. What do you find rewarding about the job?

111. Why should we hire you?

112. What skills and experience do you have that will make you a great firefighter?

113. Tell us about your volunteer work and why you are interested in working with the City of [Blank]?

114. Is there anything you want to add that will help us make our decision?

115. If you were asked right now, would you take a drug/alcohol test?

116. What did you think about the fitness test?

117. Why do you want to move departments?

118. What attributes would you look for if you were hiring?

119. What would your red flags be for new staff?

120. Why should we hire you?

121. Why do you want to work for “this” fire service?

122. How do you respond to constructive criticism?

123. Are you willing to work 24-hour shifts?

124. What does diversity and inclusivity mean to you? How does it apply in your personal/work life?

125. What is something you have done in the last year to grow professionally and personally?

126. What have you done to grow your understanding of racism and oppression?

127. Why should we hire you? And what do you want us to remember about your application?

128. Tell us what skill you could most significantly bring to the fire service if you were to become a firefighter?

129. If you can change one thing in the fire department, what would it be?

130. How will you stay motivated while working a 24-hour shift?

131. Tell us something unique about yourself that’s not on your resume?

132. How do you feel about working from heights? What’s your experience?

133. What have you done since your last interview?

134. What do you think about sick time and how do you keep yourself healthy/avoid using sick time?

135. Describe a day in the life of a probationary firefighter?

136. Explain why avoiding complacency is important in the fire service?

137. Why do you want to be a firefighter?

138. Tell us about your resume?

139. How do you deal with stress?

140. Name 5 attributes of a firefighter, how you align with them, and what do you need to work on?

141. What are some of the transferable skills you bring to the fire department?

142. What is resiliency and what does it mean to you?

143. What are the 4 pillars of the fire department culture?

144. What are some strategies that you have to deal with job-related stressors?

145. What does safety mean to you?

146. What qualities do you look for in a leader?

147. Why should we hire you?

148. What attributes and skills do you possess that would make you a good firefighter? Why should we hire you over someone else?

149. Is there anything else you’d like to share that we haven’t spoken about?

150. An error in judgment can lead to injury and death. What can you do to prevent it?

151. What challenges does this department face?

152. Do you think resiliency can be overcome in the fire service?

153. Who is someone you most idolize and why?

154. There are many qualified people that have applied for this position. Why specifically should we hire you?

155. Tell us about your resume journey?

156. Tell us about the hardest shift that you worked?

157. What are the duties of a firefighter other than fire suppression?

158. Tell us why you want to work for our fire department.

159. Tell me about yourself?

160. What is your favorite community service and why?

161. Why do you want to be a firefighter?

162. Explain why you would consider yourself a reliable person?

163. Public education is the first line of defense. Why do you think public education is so important?

164. What do you know about the City of [Blank] and our fire department?

165. Tell us about your volunteer work and why you are interested in working with the City of [Blank]?

166. What do you find rewarding about a position as a firefighter?

167. What affiliation do you have with community organizations?

168. What are the emergency and non-emergency duties of a firefighter?

169. What is professionalism?

170. Why is diversity important in the fire service today?

171. How did you prepare to be a firefighter?

172. Why is diversity important in the fire service?

173. What are factors of good teamwork? Give us an example of you using teamwork skills.

174. Written: In regards to community service, what would you bring to our fire service?

175. What are some challenges and opportunities you see in your role as a firefighter?

176. Other than DZ and first aid, what skills do you have that relate to firefighting and why have you chosen to work for our fire department?

177. How do you make a peanut butter sandwich?

178. How would you fit in with our fire service? What are your priorities when starting?

179. Why do you want to work as a firefighter and why at our department?

180. A one stick can be broken, but as 10 we cannot. What does this mean to you?

181. Explain why it is important to be a good representative of the community?

182. Who is responsible for lighter and match safety?

183. You are stationed in a part of town that is very impoverished. What concerns might you have?

184. What regulations would you put in place for cell phones and driving? Do you consider this to be an issue?

185. What charity would you donate to?

Firefighter Interviews

Technical Questions

1. Provide examples of when a firefighter can refuse unsafe work.

2. Describe the 3 lines of defense our fire service uses. How do they ensure these 3 lines of defense are achieved?

3. Public education, fire prevention, and fire suppression: Rank them in order of importance and explain why you chose that order.

4. Describe 3 fire hoses and their uses.

5. What is the meaning of the chain of command? And why is it important in the fire service?

6. What is WHMIS?

7. Given the following three tools, briefly explain how each can be valuable to a firefighter on scene and how they can present a safety hazard: reciprocating saw, socket set, impact driver.

8. Rank education, prevention, and suppression (3 lines of defense).

9. What is a composite department?

10. Describe the fire tetrahedron.

11. What are some emergency and non-emergency duties of a Toronto firefighter?

12. What is a composite department and how is it used?

13. Public education is the first line of defense. Why do you think public education is so important?

14. What is the chain of command and why is it important to the fire service?

15. Provide 3 daily responsibilities you will have as a probationary firefighter.

16. Picture of three fire hoses (45mm, 65mm, 4 inch) – What would you use each hose for?

17. What are the 3 lines of defense of the fire service? Rank them in order of importance and describe the role of a firefighter within each of them.

18. What are some additional resources you would need at a fire scene?

19. Classifications of fires/extinguishing agents?
